Lauren Modica

AEA Member
Lauren Modica


Arviragus and Ensemble in The Cymbeline Project

In four seasons at OSF: Titania, Hippolyta in A Midsummer Night’s Dream; Boatswain and Ensemble in The Tempest (originally scheduled for 2020); Duck, Cheshire Cat, Two of Spades in Alice in Wonderland; Widow in All’s Well That Ends Well; Lady Middleton, others in Sense and Sensibility; Gregory in Romeo and Juliet; Peto, Glendower, Silence in Henry IV, Parts One and Two; Black Swan Lab. Other theatres: Nurse Spiller/Cook in Fingersmith (American Repertory Theater); Mary Bennet in Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley, Mrs. Jennings in Bedlam’s Sense and Sensibility, Mrs. Cratchit in Second City’s Twist Your DickensOur Town, JAW: A Playwright’s Festival (Portland Center Stage); Antigone/Antoinette in The Antigone Project (Profile Theatre); Fortune Teller in The Skin of Our Teeth (Artists Repertory Theatre); Jessica/Rachel in Undiscovered Country, Ruth in In The Forest She Grew Fangs (Defunkt Theatre); Fool in King Lear (Northwest Classical Theatre Company); Queen/Belarius in Cymbeline (PAE); Rose in Gretchen Icenogle’s Trailing Colors and many others. Modica has been a guest on Las Culturistas LIVE, a mainstage performer on Backfence PDX and winner of Backfence PDX: Russian Roulette. Awards: KCACTF region 7: Irene Ryan Nominee, Marvin Simms Diversity Award, Irene Ryan Finalist. @laurenmodica