KJ and Roy

KJ and Roy

Performing in the Green Show on Tuesday, June 30 and Thursday, July 2

This is their first season in the OSF Green Show.

OSF's favorite pair of comedically gifted song-writing besties.  

Kjerstine Anderson and Royer Bockus have been OSF acting company members for a collective 9 seasons. While working at OSF, they began writing hilarious songs honoring and celebrating the community they love. They have since performed in Los Angeles, San Antonio, Oklahoma City, and New York, using local musicians and songs inspired by each audience they encounter.    

KJ & Roy on Community:
Our community is integral to our performance, because our performances grow out of requests from our audiences. We intend to use social media to interact directly with our audience, taking requests for song topics up to the morning of the green show. In this way, our show will not only reflect the community, but will respond directly to the desires of the people at our show. Our set will be an irreverent celebration of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, its history and its community, brought to you by OSF's reigning ladies of song-writing hilarity.