Keith Leroyal

Keith Leroyal

First Merchant, Second Merchant and Ensemble in The Comedy of Errors

Citizen, George Stanley and Ensemble in Richard III

Other theatres: Caiaphas the Elder in The Last Days of Judas Iscariot (Fabrefaction Theater Company); Chad in High School Musical (Songtime Performing Arts, London, UK); Keith in The No Fire Show (Red Cross Tour); Othello in Othello (Eubie Blake National Jazz Institute and Cultural Center); Obamagic in Political Snorts (La MaMa E.T.C.); Darren Lemming in Take Me Out (Abe Burrows Theatre); Esteban in Fuente Ovejuna (a bilingual production featured as part of an exchange between the Tisch School of the Arts and the drama department of Duoc UC, Chile); Mascarille in Two Precious Maidens Ridiculed, Walter in The Rimers of Eldritch, James “Thunder” Early in Dreamgirls, Demetrius in A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Baltimore School for the Arts).

Film/TV: Nehemiah, Landelions, Sampling, The Wire. Awards: Maryland Distinguished Scholar (Talent in the Arts) Finalist; NAACP ACT-SO National Silver Medalist in Playwriting. 

Training: BFA in theatre, New York University Tisch School of the Arts: Atlantic Acting School, Experimental Theatre Wing, Stonestreet Studio; University of the Witswatersand (South Africa).