Grant Ruiz and Dan Fellman

Performing in the 2018 Green Show on Tuesday, August 21

This is their first season at the OSF Green Show

Guitar duets from around the world

Grant Ruiz (guitar, vocals) is a local musician and teacher who has performed in several Green Shows and plays at OSF since 2002. He is currently a board member of the Jefferson Classical Guitar Society.

Dan Fellman is a jazz guitarist who specializes in the music of Django Reinhart and his Hot Club of France group of the 1930's and 1940's. He has performed with local bands Gypsy Rogue, Back Porch Swing, and the Djangoholics, and in duos with Ashland guitarist Ed Dunsavage and Portland-based guitarist Dan Balmer.

Grant and Dan have both worked with several other members the musical community. Their performances often include background remarks on the music they play, particularly the more obscure, foreign pieces. They have also performed in several shows with a local Argentine tango dance group. Their music is often a big hit at wineries and private events.