In three seasons at OSF: director, Twelfth Night (1988), director, The Two Gentlemen of Verona (1989), playwright, Equivocation (2009).
Plays: Stand-Up Tragedy, The Laying on of Hands, Equivocation, 9 Circles, How To Write A New Book For The Bible. Film/TV: Nightjohn (Touchstone/Hallmark), Sounder (ABC), Clover (USA), Thicker Than Blood (TNT), NTSB (ABC), Papa’s Angels (CBS), Nothing Sacred (ABC). Other credits: founder of the Boston Shakespeare Company; artistic director for seven seasons. Awards: Nothing Sacred: the George Foster Peabody Award for Outstanding Achievement as co-creator, writer and producer of the ABC-TV series; Nightjohn was named best American film of 1996 by The New Yorker. His work for television has won Writers Guild, Humanitas, Christopher and Alma awards, among others. Stand-Up Tragedy: six Los Angeles Critics Awards (including outstanding production and distinguished writing), four Helen Hayes Awards, (including Production of the Year), a Writers Guild nomination for the screenplay and the Joe A. Callaway Playwriting Award for the Broadway production.