William Shakespeare (1564–1616)

William  Shakespeare (1564-1616)

Playwright, Julius Caesar, As You Like It, The Merry Wives of Windsor

Other productions at OSF: OSF has completed the canon four times, in 1958, 1978, 1997 and 2016. Plays: All’s Well That Ends Well; Antony and Cleopatra; As You Like It; The Comedy of Errors; Coriolanus; Cymbeline; Edward III; Hamlet; Henry IV, Parts One and Two; Henry V; Henry VI, Parts One, Two and Three; Henry VIII; Julius Caesar; King John; King Lear; Love’s Labor’s Lost; Macbeth; Measure for Measure; The Merchant of Venice; The Merry Wives of Windsor; A Midsummer Night’s Dream; Much Ado about Nothing; Othello; Pericles, Prince of Tyre; Richard II; Richard III; Romeo and Juliet; The Taming of the Shrew; The Tempest; Timon of Athens; Titus Andronicus; Troilus and Cressida; Twelfth Night; The Two Gentlemen of Verona; The Two Noble Kinsmen; The Winter’s Tale. Poems: “Venus and Adonis,” “The Rape of Lucrece,” “The Phoenix and the Turtle,” Sonnets (154).