Run Time:Approximately two hours, 30 minutes, including one intermission.
Stranger than fiction . . . and all true
The lawyer: a young, brilliant, courageous woman who argued Roe v. Wade before the Supreme Court. The plaintiff: a hard-drinking, wild-tempered hippie bartender seeking to end an unwanted pregnancy. As we know, they won the landmark 1973 case that legalized abortion. But what most people don’t know is how their divergent journeys after the case reflect the subsequent polarization in American culture. With shocking turns and surprising humor, Roe illuminates the difficult choices women make and the passion each side has for its cause. Bill Rauch directs this American Revolutions premiere by Lisa Loomer (Distracted).
Contains strong profanity and graphic language.
“Roe crackles with energy and makes the historical events presented live and breathe on stage.”
— Siskiyou Daily News
“... a rousing entertainment, its two-and-a-half hours flashes by like you’ve been time-warped.”
— Medford Mail Tribune
“Funny, raw, creative, and thought-provoking.”
— Audience comment
Join the conversation! The Living Ideas series probes the events that frame the landmark Roe v. Wade court case through the lens of history (May 14, 15), agency (July 15, 16) and advocacy (August 19, 20).
Development and production of Roe was supported by grants from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and The Harold and Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust.
Roe was awarded the 2015 Association for Theatre in Higher Education Jane Chambers Playwriting Award.
Más extraño que la ficción… y todo verdadero
La abogada: una joven mujer brillante y valiente que argumentó Roe v. Wade ante la Corte Suprema. La demandante: una hippie camarera de bar bebedora y corajuda que busca terminar a un embarazo no deseado. Como sabemos, ellas ganaron el caso de 1973 en una decisión histórica que legalizó al aborto. Pero lo que muchos no sabemos es la manera en que sus caminos contrarios después del caso reflejan la subsecuente polarización de la cultura americana. Con vueltas chocantes y humor sorprendente, Roe ilumina las difíciles decisiones que toman las mujeres y la pasión que ambos partidarios le tienen a la causa. Bill Rauch dirige este estreno de Revoluciones Americanas escrito por Lisa Loomer (Distraído).
El desarrollo y la producción de Roe fueron apoyados por subvenciones de The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation y The Harold and Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust.
Para información en español, por favor llame a 541-482-2111 ext. 242.